Showing 1–12 of 42 results

Library Books Overdue Fine

Library Books Overdue Fine

Bus Pass (Renewal)



Required Documents:
  • NIC or international passport number needed
  • SIC no. : MDEX/…./....
  • Payment Receipt to be presented

Graduation Gown

Graduation Gown, also referred to as Academic Dress, usually comprising cap, gown, and hood, is worn by university staff and graduates during a graduation ceremony. Gowns will be available on the day of the Graduation Ceremony.

Bus Pass (New)

New Application Required Documents:
  • NIC or international passport number needed
  • Proof of address
  • Passport size Picture hardcopy to be deposited at the reception
  • Payment Receipt to be presented

Photocopy Print Credit

Print credits for photocopy machine

Shuttle Service Academic Year 2023-2024 October Intake

Please ensure that you include your Student ID and Name in the description Once you have paid, kindly send your


The MECard Student is a personalised (prepaid) electronic card that keeps a record of its stored monetary value. The MECard

Diploma Supplement (Transcript)

Additional copy of Diploma Supplement Request will be processed within 3 working days from the effected payment. Once printed, additional copy is to be collected from the Academic Registry Mauritius office in Archway Building, room AG04 from Monday to Friday between 8.30am -5pm.

Protected: Gown

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Protected: Gown hat

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Diploma Supplement (Transcript)- International Post

Diploma Supplement (Transcript)- International Post Request will be processed within 3 working days from the effected payment. Upon despatch, the Academic Registry team will email the DHL tracking No. to the student.

Replacement Student/Staff ID Card

Replacement Student/Staff ID Card Pick up at the reception Payment Receipt to be presented